Saturday, April 9, 2011


* Always listen to people when they are mad, Because that is when  the real truth comes out.

*All our dreams cannot be translated into reality...But they can act as   a foundation stone for a glorious future.

* Wisdom is the sharing of wise experiences and knowledge, ...... but a lot of it is common sense

*Believe in yourself and what is in your heart. Then you go beyond yourself and make the invisible...visible. Anything you believe in will become a reality.

* Be extremely careful and aware about what we allow our mind to think about and  dwell on. For it can play havoc.

अपनी पूरी जिंदगी में छोटे-मोटे कामों पर बर्बाद किया जाने वाला को समय:- 6 वर्ष...... भोजन करना 5 वर्ष...... कतार में खड़े रहना 4 वर...