Take Each Day As It Comes...
As years move on, people usually end up saying, that they did not realize nor did they relish the earlier years.
Always wait a while and look around, it does not take a lot, to smile and say a kind word to our colleagues or our spouse and even our children. You will surely see the difference in the way they act and react to their fellow colleagues.
Each gesture of kindness and love that we share today will surely come back to us. It's the nature of this world and karma is a major part of its nature.
You do good or bad. You reply it here on earth in this life.
So when you get up every day from your bed, look at the sun with open arms and greet this new beginning. Be glad that you got a new day to start afresh.
Take each day as a blessing and in the end of it, you will be glad you made a difference to the people in your life.
In takes nothing than a smile and a word of thanks to the cab driver after you reach your destination or a word of thanks to your wife in the morning as she offers you a cup of tea . It takes nothing to thank god as you see your children playing in front of you. A short prayer, a thank you and even a smile can change the world.
Always remember, you can make a difference. You have the power.